Convocation is one of the major highlights of our students’ life journey here in Taylor’s University. After 2 years of perseverance and hard work during the pandemic, we now able to celebrate and congratulate graduands physically at our Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus. On 11th and 24th of September 2022, we celebrated a total of 1,221 undergraduates and 293 postgraduates from the 6 academic schools of Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management - School of Education, School of Food Studies & Gastronomy, School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, School of Media & Communication and Taylor's Culinary Institute. Part of the graduating cohort were 447 international students who came from 39 countries, including Indonesia, China, India, South Korea and Maldives amongst others.

This monumental celebration was joined by the Chancellor, Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Syed Jalaludin Bin Syed Salim; Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer, Professor Dr. Pradeep Nair; Executive Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, Professor Dr. Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan; Vice President for European & International Relations, University of Toulouse-Jean Jaures, Professor Dr. Christina Stange-Fayos; Vice President for Commission Formation & University Life, University of Toulouse-Jean Jaures, Professor Dr. Vincent Simoulin; Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research and Enterprise, Associate Professor Dr. Anthony Ho; Registrar, Ungku Nazli Ungku Ismail; Head of Schools; Head of Departments; Academicians and Graduands’ family members.

This year, the Honorary Doctorate in Humanities award was presented to YBhg Datin Paduka Sister Enda Ryann F.M.M. by Chancellor, Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Syed Jalaludin Bin Syed Salim. This recognition is awarded to individual who has obtained significant recognition and success locally and internationally in their respective field of expertise. YBhg Datin Paduka Sister Enda Ryan, who was born Eileen Philomena Ryan on December 30, 1928, in Galbarry County, Ireland, is well known as the founder of the prestigious all-girls schools in Petaling Jaya – Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Assunta and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Assunta. At a tender age of 18 in 1947, she entered Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM) to become a nun. She then graduated from the National University of Ireland in 1954 with a B.A. and Higher Diploma in Education.
Since then, Sister Enda has dedicated her life to service and giving. In the same year she graduated from the National University of Ireland, she came to Malaya to establish schools for girls. Her passion and dedication in education has significantly contributed to the development of a lineage of schoolgirls who, inspired by her values, have gone on to become leaders themselves. She has served as headmistress of SMK Assunta for over 30 years and has led the school to Grade A status – laying the foundation to where schools are today. In recognition of her efforts in education, Sister Enda received numerous notable awards and in December 2007, Sister Enda was conferred the Darjah Kebesaran Dato’ Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah (DSIS) by Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan of Selangor, which carries the title ‘Datin Paduka’.
In her acceptance speech, Sister Enda said that having an honorary doctorate degree conferred to her is tremendously humbling. “After serving in Malaysia for 67 years, I graciously and humbly accept this special honour. As the Chinese proverb wisely points out “Teachers open doors, but you must enter by yourself”. Opening the door was my business, but whether Assuntarians wanted to enter was their business. My concern was not with where our students will end up, how many A’s they will get and subsequently how many degrees and accolades they will accumulate. Rather, it was about what they will become and seek to be value what one has and not what others have and do, and always emphasizing heart over head.”
We are grateful to all Taylorian Community for their continuous support in our journey to pursue balanced excellence in education and continue to rise with the best. The faculty were pleased to celebrate all graduands success and wish to see the positive and significant impacts that they will bring to community around us as leaders of the world.
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