Food fraud is an emerging crime with profit at its root. Despite the strict enforcements, technologies and transparency, food fraud remains to threaten both lives and livelihoods. Culinology® webinar series has disclosed the definition of food fraud and how it’s evolving in Malaysia. Mr. Badruzzaman bin Abdul Rahim, speaker from the Ministry of Health discussed about the impact of food fraud, ranging from harmful adulteration to unethical substitution of substandard products in food industry.
Whereas, Dr. Simon, an industry speaker from Water Corporation, has exposed the importance of scientific analysis and latest technology in detecting and combating the food fraud. Dr. Wendy Lim Pek Kui, Senior Lecturer, School of Food Studies and Gastronomy moderated the session presented by the two panel speaker who shared their views on impact of food fraud. The webinar was a success which provided the participants on the latest compliances and technology available to minimize food fraud.