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Preparing Social Science Students for WBL Placement through Project Management Workshops

Taylor's Bachelor of Social Science programme offers two distinct degrees in the field of Social Science, i.e., International Relations as well as Social Innovation and Change. These degrees combine comprehensive on-campus learning with practical work experience. During the final year of these 3-year programmes, students are exposed to industry practices, contemporary national and international issues within their specialization, and are given the opportunity to manage and lead real-life projects under the guidance of Industry Coaches and University Tutors.

In the March 2023 semester, five Bachelor of Social Science students participated in Work-Based Learning (WBL) Placements at four esteemed industry partner institutions - Petronas Seedlab, the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), Me.reka and Zubedy (M) Sdn Bhd. To ensure students' ability to excel in their industry roles, the programme offers two workshops focused on project management skills. During the first workshop, Mr. Ramana Rajalingam, Director of Project Delivery Planning at Khazanah Nasional, delivered a guest lecture to the five students. He shared valuable insights and tips on project management, which were highly appreciated by the students.

The lecture fostered interactivity, allowing students to collaborate on a project management exercise. Through this hands-on experience, students gained practical knowledge of project management and further reinforced the concepts discussed during the lecture. Mr. Ramana commended the students for their high level of engagement and active participation during the lecture, stating, "The students were incredibly interactive, offering valuable insights and perspectives."

One of the students, Ms. Aza, found the workshop to be insightful and informative, although she initially found the flow of information somewhat confusing. However, she was able to grasp the content as Mr. Ramana discussed initiating projects within their respective specializations. Another student, Balqis, expressed great satisfaction with the lecture, finding the key takeaways and tips extremely useful for her tasks in her Work-Based Learning company. She also acquired new knowledge and insights into project management, and eagerly anticipates attending the next session in two weeks.

In conclusion, Mr. Ramana Rajalingam's guest lecture was a valuable learning experience for the students pursuing the Bachelor of Social Science degrees. The workshop format enabled hands-on learning, allowing students to grasp the practical aspects of project management. Both Mr. Ramana and the students provided positive feedback, emphasizing their anticipation for the upcoming session.

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