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PATA Malaysia Taylor’s Student Chapter Team-Building Event

Pacific Asia Travel Association Malaysia Taylor’s Student Chapter (PATA MTSC) organized a team-building event for the batch 2022/2023 members which comprises of 20 Tourism and Hospitality students from various countries such as Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Maldives etc. at Putrajaya Wetland Park. The team-building was aimed for the members to know each other and plan the activities together for year 2022/2023.

The members enjoyed themselves and actively participated in all activities such as ice breaking session, leadership role game, keep the secret game, and teamworking game. The senior members also took this opportunity to share their experiences and challenges in handling PATA MTSC's virtual activities and events with the juniors. All members were overwhelmed with the beauty of eco-tourism destination while enjoying delicious local food from Malaysia, Nasi Lemak.

Besides being a university student, the involvement of PATA MTSC helps the students to experience real life learning experiences and networking with tourism stakeholders. PATA MTSC is recruiting and welcoming more students to be part of their family to organize and enjoy the tourism activities.

Looking forward for more exciting activities in the near future!

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