Taylor’s American Degree Transfer Program (ADTP) together with ADTP Student Union recently organized ADTP Social Night. The purpose of this event was to allow both ADTP freshmen and existing students to get to know each other as well as to introduce the new EXCOs of ADTP Student Union "Zephyrus". About 70 students attended the event and enjoyed the game sessions throughout the evening which ended off with a fulfilling dinner.
During the game sessions, students were seen enjoying themselves; socializing and working together while playing the games. The event started off with an ice-breaking session, where students were asked to choose an item that best describes them which gave them a chance to share a little something about themselves. Following up was a teamwork game sessions, starting with the classical childhood “Musical Chairs” game, a newly created game called “The Monster Game” and last but not least, the game named “Sussy Passy”.
Dr. Wan Puspa Melati Wan Abdul Halim, Head of the Department, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences graced the event and gave a brief speech to the students before dinner was served. The event was also attended by ADTP Program Director and faculty members.