“The sky’s the limit, but only the headwind makes you soar high.”

We are proud to feature our alumnus, Chris Fong Wei Kiat, from the second graduating batch of the Bachelor of International Tourism Management (Honours) programme. Chris developed a career path in the tourism industry, and it has been a rewarding journey for him, and he has never regretted it. 5 years journey as a cabin crew has inspired him to appreciate the human touch and emotions. Started off as a rookie, he yearned to sit on the jump seat and feel the excitement of taking off and landing on an unknown destination. Eventually, as every onboard experience counts, he started to work and paid attention to details and treated everyone in a fair manner regardless of status or race.
Every flight is unique, and many hidden stories waited for him to unfold from every passenger. Hence, he learned to always be a good listener and anticipate every guest's request even before they ask for services. He would describe the aircraft cabin as a social microcosm. Everyone behaves differently and he would treat it as a learning opportunity to learn about life and death. After a year and a half working as a cabin crew, he was promoted to senior cabin crew to oversee passengers and fellow crew members. It was the biggest milestone that he achieved in his aviation career. Taking care of more than 240 passengers in a confined metal tube was a significant task especially when it is linked to the cabin safety agenda. Senior cabin crew needs to ensure everyone is intact and leave in a pleasant mood after landing at a destination.
It was a challenging and meaningful career in his life. As the Covid-19 is still raging the world with more than 2 million vulnerable lives perished, it is affecting the aviation industry and most of the airline companies have shut down their business operation. Chris decided to step out of his comfort zone and venture into the sustainability field. Currently, he is working as a sustainability data analyst to monitor aircraft carbon emissions and curate strategies to offset the carbon emissions in achieving carbon-neutral growth for the industry. “This would be another significant career transition in my aviation life, and I believe the sky’s the limit, but only headwinds make me soar high in future undertakings,” Chris Fong.