A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Congratulations to our postgraduate students for reaching the end of their journey. They are indeed a testament to hard work and commitment. The School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events are proud of the postgraduate students who have passed their Oral Defense, Master in International Hospitality Management and successful Viva Voce of students from the Master of Science (Tourism) and PhD (Hospitality and Tourism).
The Master in International Hospitality Management (MIHM) programme congratulates students for passing their Oral Defense. These students presented a range of topics that include heritage destinations, technology adoption, sustainable food management, home stay satisfaction, online negative reviews that affect the hotel and tourism sectors.
The School thanked the Chair of the panel, Prof. Jean-Pierre Poulain, Co-Director of Taylor's Toulouse University Center (TTUC) and Chair of Food Studies: Food, Cultures and Health for his expert guidance in heading the sessions.
Also present virtually the jury members from our respected partner institution were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paul Pichon and Dr. Denis Bories from Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, France. Esteemed members of the jury and supervisors that present for the 4-day Oral Defense sessions were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seyyed Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kandappan Subramanian, Dr. Jiseon Ahn, Dr. Rupam Konar, Dr. Suresh Kannan, Dr. Ruth Sabina Francis, Dr. Jeetesh Kumar, Dr. Puvaneswaran Kunasekaran, Dr. Elise Wong, Dr. Mayukh Dewan, Dr. Sree Kala, Dr. Lisa Tung, Dr. Rokhshad Tavakoli, and Dr. Shantini Thuraiselvam from the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor's University.
Master of Science (Tourism) student Ms. Afsara Akter successfully defended her research on "Contribution of Food Trucks to Food Heritage-Making and Innovation" at her Viva Voce examination in December. The esteemed panel of examiners was chaired by Prof. Moses Stephens Gunams Samuel, Taylor's University and examiners Assoc. Prof. Jacinthe Bessière, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès and Dr. Rokhshad Tavakoli, Taylor’s University. The School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events (SHTE) thanked her supervisors, Dr. Elise Mognard and Dr. Camelia May Li Kusumo for their expert guidance and support.
Congratulations to Mr. Anshul Garg for successfully defending his thesis during the PhD (Hospitality and Tourism) Viva Voce in January. SHTE extend thanks to Assoc. Prof. Anthony Ho, Taylor’s University Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research & Enterprise) for chairing the panel. The respected members of the panel of examiners were Prof. Dr. Ahmad Shuib, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Lilibeth Aragon, Lyceum of the Philippines University and Prof. Dr. Kashif Hussain, Taylor’s University. SHTE would like to acknowledge his past supervisor, Dr. Toney Thomas and current supervisors, Assoc. Prof. Kandappan Subramanian and Dr. Rupam Konar for their professional guidance and support.